Category: Card of the Day

  • The Five of Pentacles

    The Five of Pentacles

    Material loss. Financial hardship.  Loss of job. Being totally fucking fucked in a real and tangible way.   Welcome to the Five of Coins! Look far and wide, but any interpretation you find will point to this central idea. The card of being down on your luck, The Lord of Material Troubles, there is a…

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  • The Hierophant

    The Hierophant

    Most of the focus on tarot is found in its divinatory uses and esoteric code. Books, blogs, websites, and courses abound on symbolism, tarot spreads, and interpretative meanings. Self-care advocates agree that the archetypal meanings are useful without any magic required. Social media is brimming with live video feeds of hopeful content-creating oracles giving readings,…

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  • The Wheel of Fortune

    The Wheel of Fortune

    Apart from astrological associations within the tarot, the mysterious symbols within the imagery has been the most fascinating personal discovery of this card a day coloring project. I’ve described it again and again as having the same appeal as the “WHEN YOU SEE IT” memes. When you see it, you can’t unsee it.  What I’ve…

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  • The Nine of Cups

    The Nine of Cups

    The Nine of Cups is pure happiness. It is a period of contentment, being high on life, and having the best mood. Things are working out great when this card appears. There is a feeling of hitting the jackpot, euphoria, positivity, and optimism. This is the card of finding oneself and celebrating it.

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  • The Emperor

    The Emperor

    The Emperor is a stabilizing force, virile, and represents masculine energy. He is the maker and keeper of rules and boundaries. He boasts security and hard won victory. The Emperor can indicate one’s need to approach the facts of a situation with logic and establishing order. There is also the need to take charge of…

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  • The 9 of Swords

    The 9 of Swords

    The inner saboteur is overtaking the mind. Bouts of overthinking that will keep one up at night. Extreme anxiety is often seen with this card. It can also indicate shameful trauma, or repetitive anxiety. This card is about the destructive side of the mind, isolation, despair, nightmares, and reaching a breaking point.

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  • The Tower

    The Tower

    Foundations must be built on truth, for when they are not, even the mighty will fall. This card represents the walls one builds around oneself as a means of protection that soon becomes a prison. It advises to face issues head on and break down old patterns and beliefs that are no longer in alignment…

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  • The King of Cups

    The King of Cups

    The King of Cups uses his emotions as a driving force, taking control and care over his emotions, turning them into something truly constructive. Peace is made with the past and he has truly forgiven others. Balance and calm are natural, the secrets are known.

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  • The 9 of Pentacles

    The 9 of Pentacles

    The accomplishment of things working out much better than expected. Hard work has paid off in dividends, the results of which are far reaching and long lasting. There is time for hobbies and interests because there is no longer anything to worry about. Sacrifices have been made and failures dusted off and this success is…

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  • The Queen of Cups

    The Queen of Cups

    The Queen of Cups sees the value in all feelings, good or bad, heartwarming or hard, they all have their place. She welcomes and respects them all the same. Honor all of the feelings you have, ignore none of them. Encourage those around you to do the same, and to take the time that is…

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  • The Knight of Pentacles

    The Knight of Pentacles

    The Knight of Pentacles represents hard work that is about to come to fruition. It’s the look back you take at your own progress as a means of both satisfaction and inspiration. It is the appreciation of what’s to come. This card is about knowing that the seeds have already been sown and must be…

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