The Nine of Cups

Element: Water

Numbers: 9

Astrology: Pisces

Gold Chain

Wish granted, finding joy in the present moment, delighting in life

Upright Meaning:
The Nine of Cups is pure happiness. It is a period of contentment, being high on life, and having the best mood. Things are working out great when this card appears. There is a feeling of hitting the jackpot, euphoria, positivity, and optimism. This is the card of finding oneself and celebrating it.

Reversed Meaning:
This card in reverse reminds us that while it is wonderful to indulge in life’s pleasures, everything should be done in moderation. There can be bad moods associated with this card, and warnings of drama queens. Things may feel unpleasant all around. There may be a sense of “be careful what you wish for” that lurks here. In reverse, the nine of cups can be those moments when the dream becomes the nightmare.


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