The 9 of Pentacles

Element: Earth

Numbers: 9

Astrology: Capricorn

Bird of Paradise

Long standing hard earned success, material security

Upright Meaning:
The accomplishment of things working out much better than expected. Hard work has paid off in dividends, the results of which are far reaching and long lasting. There is time for hobbies and interests because there is no longer anything to worry about. Sacrifices have been made and failures dusted off and this success is progress made over time. It’s time to savor and enjoy success.

Reversed Meaning:
This card can indicate working so hard that you lose sight of your life and values. It could indicate fast riches that are taken away just as quickly, leaving one in a financial tailspin. The wrong sacrifices are being made in exchange for success and wealth. It can indicate an unsustainable work situation, or business and career not going as planned. There may also be frivolous purchases being made when investments would be wiser. It may also represent short-view financial planning or lack of proper goal orientation.


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