The Queen of Cups

Element: Water

Astrology: Moon


Archetype: All feelings are valid and should be respected

Upright Meaning:

The Queen of Cups sees the value in all feelings, good or bad, heartwarming or hard, they all have their place. She welcomes and respects them all the same. Honor all of the feelings you have, ignore none of them. Encourage those around you to do the same, and to take the time that is needed for each one of them. Through processing these emotions from a place of integrity, we learn much about ourselves, our loved ones, our relationship, the divine, and the world we live in.

Reversed Meaning:

Examine the feelings you are denying–this is where you will find answers and relief. Honor and listen to the feelings of those around you, and be sure to listen carefully. Drowning in one’s own emotions is also seen with this card in reverse, as is depression, a heartbreak in love, emotional grief, betrayal, or deep sadness. It can also indicate casting one’s own feelings aside to appease some else, or even doubts about one’s own abilities. Sometimes it can indicate escaping reality through overindulgence in alcohol, drugs, sex, food, or the like.


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