The Knight of Pentacles

Element: Earth/Fire

Numbers: 12/3

Astrology: Taurus

Oak Leaf
Plowed fields

The start of success

Upright Meaning:
The Knight of Pentacles represents hard work that is about to come to fruition. It’s the look back you take at your own progress as a means of both satisfaction and inspiration. It is the appreciation of what’s to come. This card is about knowing that the seeds have already been sown and must be allowed to germinate in their own time. Success must be given time and space to bloom.

Reverse Meaning: Sometimes the best action to take has already been taken. There is a concern about whether enough is being done to ensure success. Taking action when you should pause and assess can lay ruin to future success, an unintentional smothering. This card can also indicate the deep sadness of knowing exactly what could have been.


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